ASM Darkroom 2009 Apprentice Portfolio news article: Planck Studios Chicago Prints and Photos

ASM Darkroom 2009 Apprentice Portfolio

View my students' prints from the past year

Posted May 22, 2010

Before the end of our Spring term, the ASM Darkroom class compiled all their work from the past year - 153 8x10 prints from the various projects we completed: photograms, diptychs, self-portraits, narratives and documentation from their explorations of Chicago and it's diverse neighborhoods. View their online portfolio.

Chinatown Tracks by Gerico Marsh (sophomore)

The class is structured to help high school students find a voice. My co-instructors and I try to engage them in ways that introduce socially relevant issues. I'm witness to a battle occurring between the methodical process of 35mm film and the fast paced minds of information-age kids. Suddenly planning and reflection are necessities, and instant gratification is hard to find. Once familiarized with the nuances of a darkroom, they notice patterns quickly and can reproduce results in with a surprisingly fast turn around (it kinda has to be, classes are only 3hrs long). Some of our best work was produced by New Recruits (or first time participants) like Carina Samano:

Enrique on the El by Carina Samano (sophomore)

This is the 2nd year I've instructed the ASM Darkroom program and I'm still learning a lot about how art can be communicated and interpreted. Each student brings with them a different set of values, traditions and logic. The group functions like a small business (read more about our darkroom management plan), reinforced by a shared awe and respect for a traditional process. The 150 prints showcased in this portfolio are a great example of traditional technology and contemporary ideas resonating.

Untitled by Cristina Chavez (junior)