Photo Highlighted on L'instant Des news article: Planck Studios Chicago Prints and Photos

Photo Highlighted on L'instant Des

Chicago Aerial No. 3 is a "Photo of the Day"

Posted Jan 14, 2008

Roughly translated as "for the moment", the website L'instant des offers up a hand picked photograph from the web each day. Run by Xuoan Duquesne, the non-for-profit project exists to spread the work of different photographers while allowing them to retain the rights to their images.

L'instant Des

Click to view the featured image on L'instant des

Browse a few of the images on L'instant des and you'll find an interesting flow of visual excerpts from the web. Each image is credited to the photographer and includes a link to explore their work further. The images show powerfully against the minimal interface of the site. The sequences are strung together in a hypnotic fashion. Can't...stop...clicking...

Thanks Xuoan, for the chance to be a part of a great project!